What is Dry Socket? How to Treat and Prevent Dry Socket

What’s dry socket? | Symptoms | Causes | Diagnosis | Treatment | Home Remedies | Prevention | Risks Tooth extraction is, definitely, not an enjoyable experience, but sometimes it might be unavoidable to keep the dental system healthy. You might have prepared yourself mentally to endure procedural pain, but what if pain worsens and intensifies …

What are the Benefits of a Saltwater Rinse

What is it? | How it works? | Benefits | How to make? | How to gargle? | Risks | Gum Infection | Tooth Pain At any point in time, your oral cavity has over 20 billion bacteria of over 500 different species. And the number could increase to over 100 billion in 24 hours …

What Are Mini Dental Implants

Overview | Candidates | Pros | Cons | Treatment | Mini Implants Cost | Conclusion People lose teeth naturally and, in some cases, accidentally and look for the best possible method of restoring missing teeth. A missing tooth affects the functionality as well as aesthetics of the dental system, so it is natural for anyone …

How to Get Rid of Tonsil Stones (Tonsilloliths)

What is it? | Symptoms | Causes | Treatments | Tonsillectomy | Antibiotics | Home remedies | Prevention If you are not maintaining oral hygiene, your tonsil–a gland-like structure in the back of the throat– might develop hard white or yellow formations, called tonsil stone or tonsilloliths. It forms when food, dead cells, or other …

Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse

What is it? | Working | Is it safe? | Direction for use | Benefits | Side effects | Precautions | Conclusion Whether you are suffering from early gum disease (gingivitis) or advanced gum disease (periodontitis), your oral care expert might recommend Chlorhexidine gluconate oral rinse. This prescription-only oral rinse is highly effective in reversing …

Metal Braces Orthodontic Treatment in London

Overview | Teeth alignment | Cost in UK | Do braces hurt? | Treatment Time | Pros and cons | Life with braces | Alternatives Misaligned teeth affecting your confidence to smile freely? Thankfully, you can make your smile more appealing by straightening your misaligned teeth using suitable orthodontic braces. There are several advanced orthodontic …

Ceramic Braces Treatment in London

Treatable cases | Candidates | Working mechanism | Pros and cons | Cost | Living with braces | Aftercare | Side effects Clear Fixed Ceramic Braces London: Planning to straighten your misaligned, crooked, or overcrowded teeth, but want to achieve your goal without compromising the aesthetics. We at Invis London offers Ceramic braces solution with …

Understanding Cracked Tooth Treatment and Symptoms

Enamel, the most mineralized tissue covering teeth, is the hardest part of your body, but it has its own limit and it could crack or chip under extreme pressure. If chewing is causing pain or eating hot or cold food items causing a sensation, then your molar might have cracked. Cracks in the molar might …