How much do braces cost for kids and adults?

A healthy dental system ensures a healthy life full of happiness. Besides functional perfection, an aesthetically pleasing dental system gives you the confidence to smile freely. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with perfectly aligned teeth, affecting the functional efficacy of the oral system and making them self-conscious of their facial appearance. Thanks to the technological …

Lingual Braces Vs Invisalign

There are several ways to straighten your teeth. Traditional braces come as the first option to improve your bite, smile, and overall appearance. There are very few people who are blessed with perfect teeth. But then there are people who have slightly crooked, suffer from an overbite, underbite, or gaps. If the problem is bigger, …

How do braces work? – A Complete Overview

Are you worried about your child’s misaligned teeth? Then you can think of dental braces to shape your child’s teeth. It helps to fix tooth shape very easily, especially when worn at an early age. Braces put pressure on the teeth during a certain period. The pressure helps to move the direction of the teeth …

Essix Retainer: Should I Get Essix Retainers After Braces?

You’ve just said goodbye to your braces and welcomed the new form of your beautiful smile. Now wearing a retainer again is undoubtedly tiring. Especially if you’re opting for a permanent or acrylic retainer, it will again intervene in your profile look. You may choose not to wear one, but that will eventually void all …

Lingual Braces Treatment in London

About lingual braces | Before and after | Working mechanism | Teeth movement | Pros and cons | Good Candidate | Cost in UK | Lingual braces vs. Invisalign | How to clean | Lisping Incognito® Lingual Braces aka hidden braces treatment at Queen Anne Street, London At Invis London, our specialist orthodontist Dr. Bronskly …

Metal Braces Orthodontic Treatment in London

Overview | Teeth alignment | Cost in UK | Do braces hurt? | Treatment Time | Pros and cons | Life with braces | Alternatives Misaligned teeth affecting your confidence to smile freely? Thankfully, you can make your smile more appealing by straightening your misaligned teeth using suitable orthodontic braces. There are several advanced orthodontic …

Ceramic Braces Treatment in London

Treatable cases | Candidates | Working mechanism | Pros and cons | Cost | Living with braces | Aftercare | Side effects Clear Fixed Ceramic Braces London: Planning to straighten your misaligned, crooked, or overcrowded teeth, but want to achieve your goal without compromising the aesthetics. We at Invis London offers Ceramic braces solution with …