What is Scalloped Tongue? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

If your tongue has developed rippled or wavy indentations on the outermost sides, it could be a scalloped tongue. Although it is rarely painful or a sign of an underlying medical condition, it could affect normal oral functionalities. It is known by other names as pie-crust tongue, crenated tongue, rippled tongue, or lingua indentata. Knowing …

Mesiodens: A Complete Guidance to Cure Your Child

Have you just found an extra tooth in your child’s mouth? Before you think having a tooth out of place is normal, let us tell you, it can be a mesiodens. Yes, it is a rare phenomenon that some children might experience. If your child’s baby teeth have just come in properly and you detect …

How To Deal With A Chipped Or Broken Tooth?

Your teeth are very hard and can endure very hard food, but they have their limits. An injury biting down on very hard food like ice or candy can cause chipping of the tooth. If you are a sportsperson, a broken tooth is not something you must be coming across for the first time. But …

Dead Tooth – What To Do If You Have One?

Believe it or not, teeth have life. You can confirm it by the pain when anything happens to them, and the blood flows. So, if a tooth is alive, it can be dead as well. You may have a dead tooth. You have to look at the symptoms and get dental care as soon as …

What Is Teeth Straightening? – Different Methods to Opt

Every smile is perfect. But sometimes, if you are looking for a celebrity-like smile with perfectly aligned teeth, teeth straightening comes as a great option. The name is self-explanatory in itself that if you have “not-so-perfectly” aligned teeth, they can be placed in the right position to make your smile perfect as well. Many people …

Orthodontist Vs. Dentist: Differences and Similarities

Facial aesthetics depend on the shape, alignment, and cleanliness of your teeth. Perfectly aligned teeth with sparkling brightness make your smile attractive. Just like billions of others, your facial features and smile are also unique. But if you think your teeth are not in alignment and causing several functional and aesthetical challenges, you can make …

Did Your Tooth Broke Off Root Still In? Here’s What You Need To Do:

You are eating some food, and suddenly you feel some discomfort in your mouth. Then you find one of your teeth has been broken. Now upon close checking, you see the tooth broke off root still in. If so has happened to you, then you must take the necessary step as early as possible.  It …

How Long Does it Take for Wisdom Teeth to Come In?

Are you feeling extreme jaw pain and tender gums? Or are you feeling difficulties while eating or opening your mouth? If yes, then it’s a thing to become concerned about. Yes, these symptoms may indicate a wisdom tooth, and it can come in at any age between 17 to 25. If you are dealing with …

When Do Wisdom Tooth Stop Growing?

Wisdom teeth are your third and last set of molars that erupt between the age of 17 and 20. Blessed are those who don’t face any difficulty when their wisdom teeth start showing up. But with most of the adult population, you will see faces contorting in pain. Your normal molars take a few days …

Throbbing Tooth Pain- Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

There are different types of tooth pain. There can be a dull ache, sensitivity, sharp pain, and all of them indicate a problem or other. One of such pains is throbbing tooth pain. The reason can be various, and it is not something you can treat at home. Avoiding it is not possible at all. …